Welcome to Apkhihe, your ultimate destination for comprehensive insights into the world of mobile and web games and apps! This blog covers a wide range of popular games, offering detailed articles with download link that guide you through gameplay, strategies, and the latest updates. Whether you’re a casual player or a competitive gamer, Apkhihe.xyz is here to enhance your gaming experience. Join the fun on iOS, Android, or the web!
Overview of Подслушано
Anecdotes, tales, and experiences may be shared and discovered in a community-driven setting on the social network Подслушано. Here are some essential specifics:
The goal is to establish a forum where people may freely express their ideas and experiences.
Features: Anecdotes and tales from user-generated material.
interacting with other people and leaving comments.
Participation in the community through shares and likes.
Target Audience: Mostly young individuals seeking social engagement and relevant material.
Attribute Details
Game Name Подслушано
Game Niche or Category Social / Casual
Goal Share and discover stories
Total MBs of the Game Approximately 50 MB
Mode of Game Online
Number of Players Multiple players (community-based)
Game Developers Apkhihe
Release Date of the Game 2021
Available On iOS, Android
Number of Annual Plays Varies (community engagement)
Mostly Played By Users from Russia and Eastern Europe
Winning Ratio Not applicable (social app)
Player of the Game
Outlook of Your Player User-generated profiles
Powers/Tool Story sharing and commenting
Targets/Opponents Other players’ stories
Play Field Community posts and chat rooms
Levels of the Game Various discussions and topics